11 New Computers in 2024

It was time to upgrade our computer classroom with 10 new desktop computers and 1 laptop for our teacher. We had been adding to the number of computers since the school opened in 2008. Some of the computers that were replaced this year included several purchased when the school first opened. We now have 13…

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Suffolk University 2019 Trip

  The inaugural service learning trip to our school was a big success in January 2019. Boston students and professors from Suffolk University spent a day at our school while they were in Cambodia building a home via Habitat for Humanity. Inspired by their experience at The Cambridge Cambodia School, the Suffolk students raised $1200…

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Documentary filmmaker visits our school in December

Our students and teachers were thrilled to meet Paul Feinberg and watch “Angkor’s Children,” a documentary film made by him and Lauren Shaw. This wonderful film tells the story of Cambodia’s cultural and artistic renaissance told through the voices of three young Cambodian women.      

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Incoming 7th grade student enrollment doubles

When our school reopened in November, the incoming youngest grade (7th) doubled in size to 65 students. Our total enrollment (7 – 9th grades) is 180, the highest ever. We are grateful to all donors for this increase. You have made it possible for us to provide educational extras that are drawing more students to…

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Graduation Diplomas with Tech Certification

2016 graduates received diplomas that certified them as having tech skills that could be useful when applying for jobs. Each student has proficiency in Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint by the time of graduation from middle school. The high school that they will attend does not have any computers and thus this is their…

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Lucky Iron Fish are donated to our students

We are grateful to Lucky Iron Fish for partnering with our school as a test site for distributing the iron fish that they have created to alleviate widespread anemia. Iron deficiency affects 60% of pregnant Cambodian women.  luckyironfish.com This program was made possible by the fundraising efforts of Boston teen, Doug Robbins. Thank you, Doug!…

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